MJC's Journal

Page 110
Monday - February 24, 2003
I have dug out my knitting needles and my original baby bunting instructions and starting knitting again after 10 years. There is only one thing that I would get me to knitting baby buntings (3) and that is the BIG news that Norm and I got several weeks ago but I kept my lips zipped until the certain people were told. Beth is going to have our first grandbaby!! She will make a wonderful mother. I am doing cartwheels and Norm, being a man, is just sitting there - with a grin on his face. Wait until the little one arrives and then it will sink in all the way and no matter what we get - granddaughter or grandson - Norm will probably have the little one spoiled before I even get started. :O) I am really looking forward to being a grandma to a little one that doesn't bark or meow. :O)

Yes, you did see correctly that I am knitting 3 baby buntings - 2 for Beth and 1 for Candi's baby. Karyol's (my friend here) daughter is going to have her first baby, too. But the funny thing is that it seems Karyol and I do a lot of things together and becoming a grandma in the same month with just a couple days between the due dates is one of them. Karyol is a grandma to two granddaughters and a great-grandma to a great-grandson already but this is Candi's first baby like it is our Beth's. This has started out to be a super year for me!

I will have to get to the boxes on the shelf in our closet and see about getting Beth's Christening Gown outfit out and find a good cleaning company to get it ready for the new baby to use. Then Norm has to get the crib down and see if it is okay and get it ready to use. After that I can start looking for baby clothes and stuff. :O)

I talked to Mom the other day and it was a good day for her so I told her about Beth and the baby and she perked right up and was happy to hear about the baby and even more to hear that the baby is due in September when her birthday is. After I finished talking to her I called my sister, Carol Ann, and told her if Mom said anything about Beth and the baby she was not to tell Mom that Beth wasn't pregnant because she is. A while back I had told Mom something and she told Carol the next time she was up to visit Mom and Carol hadn't been told yet so she figured Mom wasn't right and told her so. I had to laugh when Carol called and told me about it - I waited until she was finished telling me what had happened and I told her that she should call Mom after we were finished talking and tell her that Mom was right after all!! I had forgotten that I hadn't told Carol the news yet. :O)

I am waiting for another arrival here. Tonight I called Steve at Gorilla and ordered my new computer. I will need to clean the office and the copy room of all the dust bunnies before the new computer arrives. I know where all the big dust bunnies are so I know when to step OVER them - Steve won't know and I sure don't want him tripping over them and dropping my new computer! I won't know how to act with a faster computer then the one I am on now. We loaded this one since it is going to have to last for a while. The plan now is for Norm to retired from Fishers next year - but he is not retiring from life. I told him that he can't just sit around and he was to young not to have a job. :O) Nice of me isn't it. But you see - 30 years ago I found out what he would be like to not have to go to work and no way is he going to completely retire. :O) Those of you that know us - understand what I am talking about.

Well, I need to get to bed so I can get back to saving an awful lot of "stuff" on CD's from both of the hard drives on this computer so I can get to them on the new computer. With all I have on here it may take me several days to get it done. Talk to you soon.

I love you, Mom! Love you bunches, Beth! Scratch Zulu behind the ears for Moca, Beth. :O)

