MJC's Journal

Page 108
Thursday - December 5, 2002

It has been almost a month since I last wrote in here. I have been busy with life at home, changing staff positions in NMOL, and my Computer Majic work.

Life at home has been fun - I had a little "time alone" before Norm took vacation time to add to holiday time off for Thanksgiving week. The last day he worked was Thursday the 21st and he finally went back to work this week on Tuesday the 3rd. I can't remember what we did but I can tell you something that didn't get done - Norm didn't get the Christmas lights up outdoors. :O) Chris did get his truck back on the road before Thanksgiving week. Beth wasn't able to get home from Chicago - she was on crutches again because of her knee. When she bought her truck she got a straight stick, so she wasn't able to drive and since Dave wasn't there to drive her she stayed in Chicago. But Dave will be leaving Washington state on Monday on his way to Chicago to be with Beth. It is going to be nice to have him close, too. But we will all be together for Christmas. I am going to enjoy this Christmas - more then any other.

Thanksgiving Day was a nice and relaxing day for us. We had our turkey dinner at supper time here and Rich, Norm's brother, came down to join us. This year I didn't make a lot of food and there wasn't to much of it left over except for turkey. I didn't get a whole turkey, I bought a turkey breast and cooked it - we still had some leftover. Moca even had a good day - until supper - he was put on leash and spent his time "tied" to Chris's leg so he couldn't bother anyone else at the table. But he did get some turkey later - away from the table and the next day he had a little, too. The second day he had a little bit more and then the problem started. He developed a gas problem!! But the only time he "past" any was when he was around me. Then a friend told me that turkey would do it since they can't digest it very well. So Moca didn't get any more turkey after that and the "problem" cleared up - thank goodness.

Norm went to the dentist and his tooth had abscessed. So the dentist had to drill a hole in the tooth so it could drain before he could do anything else with it. In the morning he goes in to have a root canal done on the tooth.

This week Norm starts his 3-day work weeks until Christmas and New Years week which he has off. There goes my "alone" time again. Oh my, this to shall pass!

I'm not sure, but I am going to try to write in here again before Christmas as long as everything and Moca will cooperate with me so I best get back to work now. See you soon.

Just in case (you know me) I don't get back here before the 25th - Norm, Chris, Beth, Dave, Zulu (Beth's cat), Moca (of course), and I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Oh my, I haven't finished my Christmas shopping yet!!! I still have checks - that means there is still money left - doesn't it? :O)

See you soon and I love you, Mom. Love you bunches, Beth. Kiss Zulu for Moca!!

